Man in Hat Drawing French


[ ˈdrɔː ]

transitive verb Word forms: past tense drew , past participle drawn

1. ( =make a drawing of ) [thing, face, diagram] dessiner

to draw a picture faire un dessin

to draw a picture of sb faire le portrait de qn

to draw a map dresser une carte

2. [line, circle] tracer

to draw a line tracer un trait

3. [curtain]

( =pull across) tirer

( =close) fermer

( =open) ouvrir


to draw lots tirer au sort

5. ( =pull out ) [sword, dagger] dégainer

6. ( =pull ) [cart, trailer] tirer

to draw sb somewhere attirer qn quelque part

to draw one's chair nearer to sth tirer sa chaise près de qch

7. ( =withdraw ) [money] retirer

to draw money from an account retirer de l'argent d'un compte

to draw money from a bank retirer de l'argent à la banque

8. ( =earn ) [salary] toucher

9. ( =make ) [comparison, distinction] faire

to draw a comparison between faire une comparaison entre

to draw a distinction between faire une distinction entre

to draw a conclusion from sth tirer une conclusion de qch

10. ( =attract ) [response, criticism] donner lieu à

to draw sb's attention attirer l'attention de qn

to draw attention to sth attirer l'attention sur qch

11. ( =take ) [breath] prendre

12. [water]

(from well, river) puiser

(from tap) faire couler

to draw a glass of water remplir un verre d'eau

intransitive verb Word forms: past tense drew , past participle drawn

1. (Sport ) [team, player] faire match nul

we drew 2-2 nous avons fait match nul deux à deux

to draw against sb ( mainly Britain) , to draw with sb [team, player] faire match nul contre qn

2. ( =make picture) dessiner


to draw to a close , to draw to an end ( =be about to finish) toucher à sa fin tirer à sa fin

4. ( =come)

to draw level , to draw alongside arriver à hauteur arriver au même niveau

to draw near , to draw close ( =approach) approcher

to draw closer , to draw nearer [event ] (in time) approcher


1. (Sport) match m nul

The game ended in a draw. La partie s'est soldée par un match nul.

2. ( =lottery) loterie f

3. ( =picking of ticket) tirage m au sort

The draw takes place on Saturday. Le tirage au sort a lieu samedi.

Phrasal verbs

draw away, draw back, draw in, draw on, draw out, draw up

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Examples of 'draw' in a sentence


Example sentences from the Collins Corpus

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Read more…

Winners will be the first six entrants drawn at random.

They are on again today and he is also well drawn in stall two.

Simply enter your details for the free draw at competitions.

Look for one drawn in the middle.

We also draw attention to some interesting aspects of the behavior of firms issuing these securities.

The audience is drawn to him because he has a sense of humour about himself.

In the centre he drew the game but revolving around it were other products.

But the draw takes us out of the relegation zone and that is a massive boost.

We were instinctively drawn to one another.

The age of cheap money could be drawing to a close.

Example sentences from Collins dictionaries

People usually draw the curtains once it gets dark.

to draw a cheque

The government were able to draw a few crumbs of comfort from today's unemployment figures.

She learnt to draw by tracing pictures from story books.

Don't let him draw you into his strategy.

to draw a pattern

She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.

I draw the line at (doing) that

Draw the basic outlines in black felt-tip pen (see fig. 4).

he managed to draw out of his son where he had been

Man in Hat Drawing French


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