How to Add an Account to a Windows Computer
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How do you add a domain account as a local admin on a Windows 10 computer locally?

RDB001 wrote:
How do you add a domain account as a local admin on a Windows 10 computer locally?
Like manually?
Open 'lusrmgr.msc' -> Groups -> Administrators -> Add -> choose the domain account to add to the local admin group
Or via PowerShell (run it as admin)
# To add Add-LocalGroupMember -Group administrators -Member $Username_Here # to check Get-LocalGroupMember -Group administrators
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9 Replies

Good Morning.
Recently, I have noticed an issue with a Windows Update that has blocked the visual GUI to make these changes through Computer Management, so I have been using PowerShell to manually add a user or add users (local or domain) to different Group Memberships accordingly.
Get-LocalUser (displays current local users)
New-LocalUser (adds a local user)
New-GroupMember (adds or changes local group members - can add or change via local or domain level users)

RDB001 wrote:
How do you add a domain account as a local admin on a Windows 10 computer locally?
Like manually?
Open 'lusrmgr.msc' -> Groups -> Administrators -> Add -> choose the domain account to add to the local admin group
Or via PowerShell (run it as admin)
# To add Add-LocalGroupMember -Group administrators -Member $Username_Here # to check Get-LocalGroupMember -Group administrators

TheEliteBond wrote:
Recently, I have noticed an issue with a Windows Update that has blocked the visual GUI to make these changes through Computer Management
Can you elaborate?

add the account to the local administrators group.
Pre-requisite - the computer is domain joined.
To do this open computer management, select local users and groups. open the administrators group. Click add - make sure to then change the selection from local computer to the domain. type in username/search. find correct one. click add or apply as appropriate. Close.
Now the account is a local admin.

I use command prompt (admin).
net localgroup administrators [domain]\[username] /add
then doublecheck by listing users in the administrators group with:
net localgroup administrators

Vexx wrote:
I use command prompt (admin).
net localgroup administrators [domain]\[username] /add
then doublecheck by listing users in the administrators group with:
net localgroup administrators

Yes, in my particular situation, when I access the Local Users and Groups option in Computer Management, it's completely blank and says: There are no items to show in this view." This occurs on any work station or non - DNS role based server that I have in my environment. I have contacted Microsoft and they indicated that this is an issue that they will get back to me on.
So, in my situation, I have found it easier to make all this adjustments via PowerShell Script. With the use of PDQ Inventory, I can push these changes on single or multiple PC's across the board effortlessly.

Neally wrote:
RDB001 wrote:
How do you add a domain account as a local admin on a Windows 10 computer locally?
Like manually?
Open 'lusrmgr.msc' -> Groups -> Administrators -> Add -> choose the domain account to add to the local admin group
Absolutely correct, but with one caveat that the OP may find out the hard way: you have to do this as a user who ALREADY has admin rights. If you're hoping to elevate your domain user to local admin status (so you can do things that are currently blocked by group policy) you're not going to have much luck.
How to Add an Account to a Windows Computer
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