Ayurvedic Diet for Pitta Types



Ayurveda views the intake of all six tastes as imperative for good health. Pitta is balanced by the sweet, bitter and astringent tastes. People with Pitta-dominant constitutions need carbs and protein. They have the highest BMR of all body types and strongest digestive power. There is an excess of the light quality, which needs to be countered with heaviness. Think the mesomorph.

Pitta's benefit greatly from increasing their intake of cooling spices, especially coriander seed which cleanses the adrenals and tonesagni. Bitter greens also bring balance to Pitta because of their affinity for the liver and spleen cleansing.

When preparing your Kapha balancing meal, think sweet, bitter and astringent tastes which tend to cool, bind, solidify and condense; properties that counter the heat and volatility of Pitta.

Modern Ayurvedic Pitta plate

How does that translate to portion sizes?

Protein (animal + plant-based) 1.5 fists
Green veg 1.5 fists
Fat 1 tsp
Spice 0.5 tsp
Carbs (grain + starchy veg) 1.5 fists

Ayurvedic food principles

Fruits //Fruits should be consumed separately and are classified as either sweet or sour depending on how ripe they are and the variety. Stick to in-season fruits. Sour or unripe fruits are heating.

Vegetables //Bitter greens cleanse the liver, a primary seat of Pitta, so should be taken daily. Avoid pungent vegetables that contain volatile oils like chilli, raw onion, garlic and nightshades. Such foods increase the potency and spread of Pitta.

Grains and cereals //Some grains and cereals are necessary to balance the lightness of Pitta. Minimise fermented grains like spelt, sourdough and rye which are heating in nature, and yeasted bread.

Legumes //Most legumes are well tolerated. Just avoid red lentils and excess black beans, which are heating and the heaviest to digest.

Nuts and seeds //Stick with cooling nuts and seeds like coconut and sunflower seeds. Most nuts are oily warming in nature (so minimise them).

Dairy //Take full-fat fresh, unprocessed dairy. Reduce aged (cultured) dairy like yoghurt, sour cream, buttermilk and sharp cheeses.

Oils and fats //Avoid low quality vegetable oils and nut oils which are heating, especially peanut oil.

Meat and animal products //Favour high-quality sustainably sourced animal products such as organic egg whites, free-range chicken (white) and freshwater fish. Red meat is tamasic in nature, which means it sedates the mind and body.

Spices //Only mild cooling or neutral spices and herbs should be used. Avoid excess warming and pungent spices.

Beverages //Room temperature to luke warm water, and plenty of sweet fresh squeezed fruit juices, cooling herbal teas and almond milk. Avoid caffeine and alcohol (sorry).

Sweeteners //Most natural sugars in small amounts – try to minimise old honey, molasses and white sugar.

Triphala is the best digestive tonic to balance the Pitta digestive system.


MA diet charts are just a guide - the most important factor in Ayurvedic dietetics is understanding the overall energetics of food. This includes food preparation. here are our top Ayurveda tips for healthy Pitta.

Ayurvedic Diet for Pitta Types

Source: https://www.modernayurvedic.com.au/pages/diet-chart-pitta

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